Ferrets are usually aged between 2-3 years old when this condition is first diagnosed, however it can be found in kits soon after weaning which makes vets think it could be an inherited condition. [wp_ad_camp_2]
Cystic kidneys are caused when large bubbles of fluid form and kill off the kidney’s normal structure when they continue to enlarge.
If only one kidney is affected, then it can be removed and the ferret will be able to continue living normally.
However if both kidneys are affected, the ferret will die when there’s not enough of the normal tissue left to keep the kidneys functioning properly.
Some symptoms to look out for …
weight loss
decreased appetite
increased thirst
increased piddling
dark sticky poop containing partly digested blood
You can read more on Cystic Kidneys in Ferrets here …
Renomegaly in Ferrets (PetMD)
Cystic Renal Disease In Ferrets (Go Pets America)
Kidney disease in ferrets (She Knows)
Abnormally Large Kidneys in Ferrets (WagWalking.com)
Ferrets – Renal cysts by Cathy Johnson-Delaney, David Perpinan (VetStream)
Cystic kidneys (Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice)
Cystic Renal Disease in the Domestic Ferret by Courtnye N Jackson, Arlin B Rogers, Kirk J Maurer, Jennifer LS Lofgren, James G Fox,* Robert P Marini (American Association for Laboratory Animal Science – technical paper)
(Last updated November 2019)
DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this page is not meant to replace seeing a veterinarian if you think your ferret is ill. It’s only meant to supply general information on a particular illness which was obtained either from personal experience with my sick ferrets, or from books and/or the Internet.
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