(Ferret Vets in California – I’m always happy to add sites which have been recommended by other ferret owners so if you have a good ferret vet who is not listed here, please let me know and I’ll put the details on this page … I reckon it’s great to have a list of vets we know are good so that if our ferrets ever get sick, we’ll feel comfortable in the knowledge that our pets will get the best treatment possible from a vet who knows what he’s doing!)
A list of ferret vets in California in towns A — I
A list of ferret vets in California in towns J — Q
A list of ferret vets in California in towns R — Z
hello im in need of help, my ruby a female most likely senior ferret is losing weight having difficulty going to the bathroom, don’t know if BM or void. need a veterinary im in hemet Temecula area. 92582 area code 951
I’ve used other sites for info but the information was incorrect
if you have any information thank you
Hi Douglas
So sorry to hear that your old lady isn’t well
I did a google search so here is one vet who says they deal with “some exotic pets”, however they don’t say which exotics’…
Another vet which says they deal with exotics but ferrets aren’t mentioned in the list …
However I did find a Yelp review by a ferret owner who said not to bring ferrets to this clinic
Again, this clinic deals with exotics but ferrets aren’t on the list. However they’re in Murrieta …
Hope you find a good vet for your ferret and that she gets the proper treatment for whatever is wrong with her!
By ferret friendly vets in California you all mean they won’t take your baby away?
As far as I know, there are vets who are very happy to treat ferrets in California. You just have to be REALLY careful to not bump into the police either on the way to the vet or coming back.
However I am an Aussie so it would be best to speak to someone in California who knows the rules, like someone from the Golden State Ferret Society …
Hi! I just got a new ferret and am in anaheim, ca 92802.
I’m trying to find the best vet in my area,
Is this list up to date?
Do you have any suggested vets?
Thank you
Hi Spooky
I updated the Californian vets website in November last year so it’s pretty much up-to-date.
I’m afraid I personally don’t have any suggested vets – if ferret owners let me know they’re happy with a certain vet, I always add that against the name of the clinic.
Perhaps you should contact the Golden State Ferret Society and ask them for recommendations?
Good luck!
Hello,I have a 1 year old ferret I had purchased in los angels,CA. Do you have any recommendations on vets that can see ferrets near me or any advice on acquiring ferret permits/ that you have? Also, on how to not get caught with my ferret and get him taken away.
Hi Jerimiah
I live in Australia so can’t really help you with Californian vets or ferret permits, etc.
I’d recommend that you get in touch with either of these guys as I’m sure they’d be able to give you a lot of good information …
Hope that’s been of some help!
Hugs to your ferret from its new buddies down under
Hi i have Two ferrets, I’m in the Antioch california area code 94509. One has ear fleas and i want them to get the beat help they can possibly get but i have no idea on where i can take them.
Hi Ethan
The only vet I could find who knows anything about ferrets is in Walnut Creek. I believe it’s just about a 24 minute drive so you might want to call and check that Dr Ruth Adams does see ferrets before you go there!
Another idea would be to contact the Golden State Ferret Society and see if they can help with giving you any names of ferret vets near Antioch, or even contacting West Coast Ferrets on FB to ask them the same question. Here are their URLs …
Hope that’s been of some help
Hugs to your two babies from their new buddy from down under!